Three Problems That Could Arise with Industrial Rubber Hose—And How to Fix Them

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

Industrial hoses have a variety of uses, but like all equipment, they can suffer from damage, especially if they have been used incorrectly or poorly maintained. Here are three of the most common problems you might find, with details on how to fix them—and stop them from happening again.

1. Burst hose

A hose that has burst with a diagonal slash could have two causes. Either the pressure was too high and it has burst from the inside, or something external has damaged it and caused the burst from the outside. How you deal with it will depend upon which of these is the case. If your inspection shows that the hose has been damaged by a sharp object, you should either remove the problem or, if this is not possible, protect the hose with cladding or some kind of covering. Otherwise, check the pressure and make sure that you are using a hose that is strong enough to withstand it.

2. Cracks

Cracks in the rubber are most likely to happen where the hose bends, and you will probably find that the rubber has become hard and brittle around them. This is caused by too high a temperature, but again the problem could be inside or outside the hose. If the hose's contents are too hot, you should replace it with one that is made to withstand such temperatures. If the problem is with the outside environmental temperature, make sure the hose is properly insulated.

3. Blister

A third problem that could arise is a blister in the hose. Here the hose has not actually burst but is bulging out on one side. This can be some distance from the problem that caused it, as it happens at the weakest part of the outside wall. The most likely cause is that the coupling tailpiece has damaged the inner wall of the hose, which is putting too much pressure on the outside. To fix this you will need to replace the hose, but take extra care to fit the couplings properly and make sure to file off any sharp edges that could damage the inner wall.

These three problems can all be avoided by choosing a hose with a high enough tolerance for the pressure and temperature it will experience, and making sure that you inspect and maintain the hose correctly. If you are in any doubt, your supplier will be able to offer further advice.  

For more information about rubber hoses, contact a local company. 


6 September 2022

Developing an Intuitive Relationship With Industry and Manufacturing

Almost everybody engages with industry and manufacturing in some way or another. You may work in the manufacturing industry, you may source industrial goods for your business, you may buy housing materials, or you may simply use the products created by these industries. Regardless of how directly or tangentially you are connected to industrial and manufacturing concepts, I think there will be posts in this blog that appeal to you. Hi! My name is Jeb, and in this blog, I am going to cover virtually anything and everything about these two ideas. I hope you don't mind if I write whatever appeals to me on a day-to-day basis related to what I've been thinking of or what I've read in the news or trade journals.